About Me

My name is Saikath Bhattacharya. I am an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Before that I was postdoctoral research scholar at the Science of Security Lablet at the North Carolina State University. I completed my PhD from the Dependable Software and Systems Laboratory. My thesis advisor was Dr. Lance Fiondella at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

I graduated with top 5% in the class with a Master’s of Technology from the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) in Communication Systems in 2011 and with a Bachelor’s of Engineering from Nagpur University in 2009. From 2011-2014, I was a Lecturer at School of Electronics, KIIT.

Area of interest

I am interested in reliability and software engineering, cyber-physical systems, failure prediction, and test and validation of AI systems. My thesis explored tradespace exploration, design of alternates, and subsystem reliability investment models to reduce lifecycle operational and support cost for rotorcrafts. I have also developed cost-based metrics and framework to assess Li-ion battery prognostics.


  1. Our paper titled “Software and System Reliability Engineering for Autonomous Systems incorporating Machine Learning” won the SRE Stan Ofsthun Best Student Paper Award at the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Palm Spring, CA, Jan. 2020.
  2. Selected for Research Associateship Program (RAP) U.S. Army Research Laboratory (US-ARL) to work on “Tradespace exploration incorporating PHM for RAMS+C”